
oh yeah motherfucker we're not talking about pharion anymore i'm not thinkin about it rn we are, however, talkin about trolls most of this is paraphrased from a twitter thread i put up a while back, so if you've read that you won't be reading a whole lot of new here Everquest 1's trolls are basically my ideal. For as long as I've played WoW, I've never really liked what they did with the concept, and Blizzard are not the people I trust with the more interesting aspects of their culture and history. EQ1 trolls, though? They're big, they're ugly, they live in a swamp. They regenerate like crazy, and they let the dark elves do all the hard work. I don't really like "evil" or "monster" races as a concept, but you can just play as these dudes. It's great. The fact that they have relatively little dimorphism is nice, too. Fleshpigs, from Cruelty Squad I’ve been poking into writing fantasy stuff again- Vyre’s bigger world, main...